

assignment代写:如何提高论文写作用词准确性 不管我们在哪个国家学习,虽然每个国家的学习方式和要求都不一样,但是在论文写作中都要求用词的准确性,这是非常重要的。那么,如何提高论文写作用词准确性?下面听听澳洲论文代写老师的详细讲解。

要确保英文论文写作用词的准确性,首先要理解单词的正确意思。只有理解正确,才可以使用正确。另外,不要贪图使用复杂的词语。很多同学在选择词语的时候喜欢在一组近义词当中选择最长的,觉得这样可以展示自己的词汇量。结果往往是词不达意,不适合语境。比如,如果说一个东西对另外一个东西有影响,我们可以说a negative effect, an adverse effect, a damaging effect, a devastating effect, a destructive effect等等。但要注意,像a damaging effect, a devastating effect, a destructive effect都是表达影响程度比较大的,比如说环境问题、自然灾害等等。如果你想说你考试不及格,用devastating effect那就是夸大其词了。

另外,要注意近义词和近形词的区分。有的单词拼写十分类似,如果不注意区分,使用起来就非常别扭,甚至闹出笑话。 比如,technology和technique混用。Technology指的是科技,而technique指的是技巧和技能。 还需要注意的一点是,不要追求直接把中文文本翻译成英文。



 1. 善用Action Verb,做到用词生动

在英文论文写作中,应该尽可能选择短小有力的action verb,才能写出生动有力的文章。比如说,如果想要表达“让某事变得更快”,你第一想法可能是“make it faster”,但是如果我们用动词accelerate来替代的话,会使整个表达更加生动。下面我们再来看两个例子:

His criminal record made him unable to be admitted to the university.

His criminal record disqualified him from being admitted to the university.

我们可以用disqualify来代替make sb unable to。

Ecological imbalances is the biggest threat to the survival of wild animals and plants.

Ecological imbalances threaten the survival of wild animals and plants, even human beings.

用Threaten代替is a threat to,不仅表达更加生动,整体行文也更简洁有力。

 2. 用词简洁

澳洲assignment代写 用词简洁


(一)He crashed down on a chair which produced a protesting sound.

He crashed down on a protesting chair.


(二)My daughter had to change schools when my work schedule was busy and this made it necessary for me to move houses.

My daughter had to change schools when my busy schedule made it necessary for me to move houses.


The road was frozen and slippery and one could hardly see clearly, so the road accident was caused.

Icy road and poor visibility led to the accident.

(三)He spends nearly 3 hours on watching sports events. The fact that he was completely absorbed in sport interfered with his studies.

He spends nearly 3 hours on watching sports events. His complete absorption interfered with his studies.


He is capable, easygoing and works efficiently. He will surely be promoted.

His aptitude, personality and efficiency guarantee his promotion.

 3. 善用替换词,做到用词多样性


同义词/近义词的使用比如:I first heard this tale shortly after the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Later someone told me that the story appeared in a travel magazine.

指代词的使用就更常见了。比如:Perhaps is will suffice to mention the nuclear bomb. Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility, of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed.

 4. 用词具体

澳洲assignment代写 用词具体


比如:She had straight A’s and scholarship offers from some of the most prestigious universities in the country.

She had straight A’s and scholarship offers from some of Stanford and Cornell.

在第二句句子中,详细具体地指出了学校的名称。在写作中,要有意识的选择具体的词汇。比如,表达“说”,除了最常见的“say”或“speak”之外,还有很多表达方式,包括exclaim (大声说)、 blurt (脱口而出)、stammer (结结巴巴说)等。表达“笑”,除了最常见的“smile”或”laugh “,还有snicker (窃笑)、snort (讽刺、轻蔑地笑)、smirk(傻笑;假笑)、giggle (咯咯地笑)、grin(咧嘴而笑)、chuckle(轻声笑)。
